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Introverts and Extroverts | Rob John Blog

" Introverts are like the silent souls in the world who speaks only when it's necessary, and if their words have value. "

There are two types of people in the world, and there two personalities keeps the world in a great balance. There's a person thats laid back, quiet, reserved, they rarely say much but when its time to get the job done they take great action, and accomplishes the task. These type of people in the world are introverts. In my study of life I like to observe human personalities, and I've learned a lot about these two types of personalities. In fact I fit in quite well with the introvert type personality. If you ever observe the introverts you will notice they like there own space, and it seems there energy level increases tremendously when they are alone. You will find that a lot of great people in the world as such as professors, athletes, actors, musicians, teachers, great leaders, and other great figures are introverts. I guess maybe there work, and profession turned out great considering the fact they are introverted souls. As I stated earlier, and that is when these types of people are alone there energy is much greater from what I've noticed. I've also observed that the introvert, and when he or she is in a large social setting, there energy levels become drained, and so forth. An example of this is if you watch a introverted person, and put them in a group setting as such as a club, you will see this person start to get bored, and in this particular setting which is loud music, and all the talking, and shouting will drain the introverted person out. You will probably notice these types of people can become a bit shy because they are somewhat forced to be social with the other peers. So also if you put this type of person in a more quieter setting as such as a library or it could even be there own home then you will find that they tend to become there normal selves, and they also perform better in there life as well. Introverts are like the silent souls in the world who speaks only when it's necessary, and if their words have value. I like to think of an introvert as a person who doesn't say much but you can tell when he or she is at work, their performance becomes outstanding. If you ever notice introverts they always take time to think, listen, and they are constantly living in thought creating great ideas, and so forth. There can be levels to an introverted individual, an example of this is you have a person who is quiet, and they rarely speak, and then you have the other person who talks more around others but becomes more reserved when they are alone.

" You need a voice to make change, and to create effort. You need a voice to make your service become great in the world. You need a voice to make a difference. "

So there's another type of person in the world who isn't afraid to speak there mind, they can be somewhat obnoxious at times because of there boisterous voices. I would consider most of the world being filled with many extroverted people because you need a great voice to create, bring change, and great movement in the world. Many great people in the world as such as teachers, lawyers, doctors, judges, presidents, and other great figures are extroverted people as well. So as I mentioned earlier when giving the example of the introvert, and putting them in a social setting, if you put the extroverted individual in a social environment you will see this type of person has no problem socializing with other peers. From studying this type of extroverted personality I've noticed the extrovert naturally is a talker at heart. Many families in the world are extroverted people especially most Mothers which reminds me of my Mother who played a very important role in my life, and naturally being a strong, and extroverted soul. This leads to me saying that I've also observed that the women in the world are naturally the extroverted souls, and most men are more of the quiet souls, almost fitting in the introvert category. Also I find that extroverts tell great stories, and are very well spoken individuals. In a social setting the extrovert would definitely not have a problem about speaking there mind, and so forth. Ive learned that the society that we live in is that you have to become a extroverted person in order to make it, and become established. You need a voice to reach your destiny in life. You need a voice to make change, and to create effort. You need a voice to make your service become great in the world. You need a voice to make a difference. All of these great aspects aligns up with being an extrovert which is one who speaks with great authority, and who can play an important role in leadership.

" A well balanced individual who obtains a great way of communicating at the right time, and knows how to live in a silent manner "

From studying these two types of human personalities, I've asked myself is it possible if a person can obtain both introvert, and extrovert human traits ? and what I've just learned is a person who has both introverted, and extroverted traits is a person known as an ambivert. A well balanced individual who obtains a great way of communicating at the right time, and knows how to live in a silent manner, and listens to others to gain new insight can fall in the category of ambiversion. if you really look at it in life you have to have all three of these human qualities which is introversion, extroversion, and ambiversion. I've noticed that some people will talk more than others, and some people will mostly have a more quieter personality than others, and that is absolutely fine because it's good to have a variety of these human qualities. I mean what if we lived in a world where people talked non stop ? it would be to loud right ? and what if we lived in a world where people were to quiet ? it would be to silent, and boring right ? So Iv'e learned to obtain both personality traits which are introversion, and extroversion which can lead to being a well balanced individual obtaining great qualities of ambiversion. Human beings are the biggest species on the planet obtaining one of the most valuable qualities in man kind, and that is communication. This one big trait is apart of three human behavior, and that is introversion, extroversion, and ambiversion. Iv'e learned that these three qualities is apart of the lifestyle of the human being. It's a way of expressing ourselves through communication, silence, and both attributes of these qualities.

- Robert John Fitzgerald

- Instagram @Robjohn_f


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