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How to use pressure to build you.

When I think of pressure I think of it as a way to work on our selves. Even the earth uses pressure to its advantage as it gets rid of waste through volcanoes, and nature. It's the same thing with us if we want our human nature to develop than we have to find a way to use pressure to our advantage. There's some days in my life where I have dealt with some overloads, wether it was stress, being a single parent, the type of job I work, dealing with a lot of negative vibes from people, and so forth. But I've learned to use pressure to build me to become stronger. Think of it this way picture your self working on a factory line and on this assembly there's all type of things you have to package, stamp, clean, and do in a timely fashion. So as you work the assembly line starts to go faster and other workers are just shooting products your way calling you names, and telling you to hurry up!! And as they come flying at you, you find yourself having it hard to keep up with the workflow. Panic may start to creep in, and even anxiety. So then you find yourself being under tremendous pressure, but out of the Chaotic environment you start to remember what got you through previous hard times. Your mind than begins to be at ease, your confidence starts to come back, your fears starts to leave, you then start to take on obstacles as if they meant nothing to you. You suddenly begin to see the assembly line more clearly and all the things you work on are becoming more easier to do. Your other workers on the assembly line begins to see a change in you and they become inspired by you just for the simple fact you didn't let the pressure overtake you completely. If we can have this mentality in life to use pressure to our advantage we can become a better people. Again pressure shows us our flaws, our mistakes, and how we react when it hits us but at the same time we can turn the situation around and make a choice not to let it overtake us. The more you learn how to go through pressure the more your character will be developed. -Robert J.F 

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